Wednesday, 3 August 2011

DID YOU KNOW.........

Did you know that Einsteins famous theory E=mc² is closely related to the Nuclear fission process. This equation explains how energy is turn from mass to energy in a form of heat and radiation. This energy release of turning mass into energy is called the binding energy theory and this binding energy is energy released in when fission takes place in a nucleus.

E :- Energy released when mass is turn into energy
m :- mass defect ( mass lost due to binding energy in an atom)
c:- speed of light 300,000,000 (meters per-second)

In a fission process when an atom splits into 2 certain amount of mass will be annihilated or lost in the form of energy which is the binding energy and this is the energy that we harvest in a nuclear reactor to produce usable electricity. Whereby, the lost mass times multiply with the speed of light, we can estimate the amount of energy produced in a fission process.

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